
Regional Honeys from France & Imports

Discover the honeys of our regions

Discover French and international honeys, learn to distinguish them !

How does honey end up in a jar ?

Honey is one of the few foods that is made exclusively by an insect : the bee, and this without human intervention. Humans are limited to harvesting honey at certain times of the year and preparing it for consumption.
Honey and beehive products
Honey is an excellent ingredient in culinary recipes, a sweetener that is beneficial for health and it also has medicinal properties. You can opt for honeys of various varieties and flavors, or enjoy it directly on the wax comb during the harvest.
[It is important to note that buying locally produced honey supports beekeeping and contributes to the biological diversity of the region.]
Honey is real honey with no other additions !
Honey is a remarkable natural product, composed of fructose, glucose, sucrose, water, and also contains enzymes, minerals and vitamins in small quantities. It is a purely natural product ! In order to be given the name "honey", it must not undergo any modification, addition or removal.
Honey : sweet substance produced by bees from flower nectar or honeydew (excretion produced by sucking insects such as aphids).
Bees store honey in the hive and feed on it throughout the year, it is their food. Maximum consumption occurs during unfavorable climatic periods (winter), the surplus being harvested by the beekeeper.
Find spring honey, clear, soft and easy to spread, which comes from rapeseed and various other flowers such as tree flowers.
The second harvest takes place in summer, this honey is different depending on the production regions. It is harvested mainly from a wide variety of summer flowers.